I have been to Zimbabwe three times before and each time I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God to save His people. This project will focus on evangelism and church health. We will share Jesus with local tribes, but primarily this trip will be to train and equip a local pastor and his church leaders with gospel-centered training.


Donate to Zimbabwe Africa Mission Trip

Equipping The Church

We will camp out in tents between their huts and spend the days teaching them biblical church leadership models, gospel presentations and encouraging them to faithfully follow and proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ.  Additionally, we are compiling easy-to-duplicate lesson outlines, so the pastors can share the teachings with their congregations.

Please be a part of this ministry with me and donate to help get me there and back home to my family.

You can donate through www.EffectsOfGrace.org

You can send a check to Effects of Grace, PO Box 131539, Tyler, TX 75713

or donate from this page on Razoo!

Your donations are tax deductible to a 501(c)3 as determined by IRS guidelines.

In Christ and for His glory,
