Church Leadership Training February 2018

a ministry of Effects of Grace Ministries, Inc.

Effects of Grace’s goal is to raise $10,000 for 20 pastors per year.  You can fully sponsor a pastor for $500, or join with other sponsors for any amount.  The church leaders at our training sessions are taking time away from their churches and families to become better servants of our Lord.  The gifts you give provide accommodations, food, books, training and other resources as they attend the workshop.

I would like to fully sponsor a pastor 

I would like to sponsor a pastor over a full year 


Church Leadership Courses

Effects of Grace Ministries, Inc. offers training courses to help pastors and lay people remain faithful to the faith and practice of God’s Word.  In doing so, they can equip their congregations for the work of the ministry and serve with endurance.

but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.  (2 Peter 3:18, NASB95)



Seminary-type classes on subjects designed to help grow healthy, Christ-exalting churches.  These classes will be conducted as a 3-day workshop.


Classes will be held at Eastside Baptist Church in CarCar City, Cebu, Philippines


Our first classes are planned for February 2018.

The following items are provided at no cost to students/pastors from the Philippines.  Local students are responsible for their own lodging and textbook purchases:

  • Lodging, utilities and internet;
  • Classroom instruction;
  • Textbooks;


Pastor Training Courses

Course Offerings (click links for syllabus):

NOTE:  Every person lodging with Effects of Grace Ministries in the United States is expected to faithfully attend the courses offered.  By joining the traveling group, you are consenting to this requirement.

Please register below.  Official acceptance of Philippine partners will be determined by space available and consultation with Juval Galera, Director of Missions, Eastside Baptist Group of Churches in the Philippines.

Help fund this program to train pastors around the world.


Thursday, September 17, 2015, through Tuesday, October 27, 2015

TIME Tuesday Thursday Professor
9:00 – 9:50 Evangelism & Church Health Evangelism & Church Health Skyles
10:00 – 10:50 — No meeting — TBD Dr. Dancy
10:00 – 10:50 Worship in the Church — No meeting — Barnes

Sylvania Church

Effects of Grace, P.O. Box 131539, Tyler, TX 75713, United States (US) - Phone: (903) 224-5810 Email: