For the professing believer, what we say about Jesus matters.   We do not have the right to prescribe any old characteristic, philosophy, motive or method to Jesus.  If we project onto Jesus what we want Him to be, we no longer present Him as He is.  This is not even a spiritual, or Scriptural truth, a this point.  This is a truism for every single person alive.

We Just Can’t Make Stuff Up That Sounds Cool

What if I were to tell someone that I knew you [insert name here].  Then I began to tell them how you love the color puke yellow, you loved eating dirt on Tuesdays, you ride around town on a caterpillar.  Then I began to describe your appearance as 2′ 3″ tall.  One side of your hair sticks straight out and the other side is painted your favorite color (remember that’s puke yellow).  On the off chance that you actually met the person to whom I described you, would they recognize you?  No.  Why not?  Because my description of you does not come close to resembling you (at least I hope not).  In the same way, how we describe God/Jesus to others matters (2 Cor. 4:3). Jesus described Himself as The Truth (John 14:6).  If He is THE TRUTH, then there must be a way to make Him known that is true and ways to make Him known that are untrue. [tweet_box design=”box_13_at” pic_url=”” author=”Rodney Skyles”]If He is THE TRUTH, then there must be a way to make Him known that is true and ways to make Him known that are untrue.[/tweet_box]

God Described Himself with Words

When God told Moses to go to Egypt to free His people, the sons of Israel, Moses asked God whom he should say sent him.  God did not reply, “Oh, just make something up that you think sounds good.”  No.  Not only did God give His name as, “I AM WHO I AM,” but He provided Moses with an historical, genealogical reference, as well as a declaration of His eternal being (Exodus 3:13-15).   God did this, so there would be no mistaking the identity of the God preparing to free them from bondage.

God’s Word Became Flesh

What does this have to do with Jesus?  The same God that was specific about verbally communicating His identity is even more specific in communicating His identity incarnate (in the flesh).  Jesus repeatedly testified about His true identity.  He did not leave it for speculation.  This is the reason many self-righteous people wanted to kill Him.  Jesus declared, “Before Moses was, I AM,”(John 8:58). If Jesus is THE RIGHTEOUS ONE, then He is the standard by which all people will be judged (Acts 17:30-31). They were not going to be judged by the standard they have set for themselves. [tweet_box design=”box_13_at” pic_url=”” author=”Rodney Skyles”]If Jesus is THE RIGHTEOUS ONE, then He is the standard by which all people will be judged (Acts 17:30-31).[/tweet_box] Before Christ came to earth, humanity had Scriptures and prophecies to describe what the Messiah would do and Who He would be.  Referring to the prophecies, the Apostle Peter wrote that he was certain that those prophetic descriptions were completely fulfilled in Jesus ( 2 Pet. 16-19).

When God decided to move His description of Himself from Words to flesh, He did it perfectly in Jesus (John 1:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:16). When God decided to move His description of Himself from Words to flesh, He did it perfectly in Jesus (John 1:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:16).  This is no small thing that God revealed Himself perfectly in Jesus Christ.  It is very foolish to ignore the extent to which God went to be specific in His revelation.  We are not free to describe our friends to others as we see fit, because there is true and there is untrue.  Neither can do describe Jesus to others in a way that is not true.  If we proclaim a description that is untrue, if they finally encounter the TRUTH, they will not recognize Him, until it is to late (Phil. 2:10-11).If Jesus is THE RIGHTEOUS ONE, then He is the standard by which all people will be judged (Acts 17:30-31). [tweet_box design=”box_13_at” pic_url=”” author=”Rodney Skyles”]When God decided to move His description of Himself from Words to flesh, He did it perfectly in Jesus (John 1:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:16).[/tweet_box]

Flee Idolatry!

We ALL have a tendency toward idolatry.  We set up our own gods that we can live with.  No real challenge to our ways of thinking, acting or living (1 Cor. 10:12; 1 John 5:21).  We all need constant correction by God’s truth.  What do we do from here? Spend time in God’s Word and ask Him to help you understand (1 Cor. 2:14).  Be humble, confess and repent of things you have said, or believed that were not true of God (1 Tim. 1:13-15).   Submit yourself to faithful teaching of God’s Word, so you may grow spiritually strong (1 Pet. 2:2).